Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Celebrate this Christmas with lighting

If you are not concerned enough about aesthetic aspects of your house, you should think about the lighting & appearance part of your house. You might think that what is the role of concerning lighting for the appearance of your house? But lighting actually makes a tremendous difference to enhancing the beauty of your home. Therefore this time you all should think about it & try to celebrate your Christmas in a little bit different manner.
In my early engineering classes I have learned the role of lighting & its importance in our life, so I would like to ask that just getting rid from darkness by glowing light is the only use of lighting? If you seriously concerned about your house & its appearance then you should think like, how you light your house so that it will make you feel proud. Many types of lights we have these days for the various places in house, now we are no longer restricted up to only expensive lamps around our rooms
In coming month we have Christmas, so start planning the decorative part of your home from now onwards, start your search about the different lighting brands which gives you the most cost & energy efficient lamp options? According to my observation halogen lighting, led lighting and CFL lighting will be the best option for decorating your home from interiors and outside your home.

Let me share my experience, last year on Christmas I went to my friends’ house there I have noticed that he decorated his home in a beautiful manner by using halogens lighting outside the house but unluckily I wasn’t caring my camera that time, I don’t have any pictures of his house to share with you guys, sorry for that! But I want to say that do not use the conventional incandescent lamps for decoration because its cost high moreover those lights are unable to produce the required light fixtures according to places. Inside your house you can use led lighting on Xmas trees but for outside this time I prefer to recommend the halogens only, just search out the market you’ll get a wide range of such lighting from various brands.

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